Kamis, 12 November 2009



Name: Muazs tertiana
Age: 20 Years
Ttl: Bekasi 15-May-1989
Address: jln Pabuaran, gg noble Pangudi II SMA, Rt05/01, No. 30, 17,431 postal codes,
Pure teak, jasmine cottage, Bekasi.
Religion: islam

 Good.
 patient.
 not stingy.
 Not arrogant.
 Diligent in everything, except
 Always on time
 Boros.
 stubborn.
 lazy learning and prayer.
 inaccurate.
 not eloquent or nervous
 easily offended.
 Easy Ragu.
 Temperamental.
 Concentration less.

* Good taste, in terms of dress and trying to look nice and neat.
* Concerned with the people around, sincere in giving.
* Willing to sacrifice for others and a boyfriend.
* Serious in doing seseuatu or solve problems.
* Lack of creativity and lack of initiative.
* Pessimistic and easily discouraged.
* I'm not satisfied, what I have.
* I do not like small talk and did not like praise.
* Can work together with others.
* Willing to accept other people's opinions.
* Glad to organize others.

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