Selasa, 22 Desember 2009
Jenis tes bahasa Inggris TOEFL ini pada umumnya diperlukan untuk persyaratan masuk kuliah pada hampir semua universitas di Amerika Serikat dan Kanada baik untuk program undergraduate (S-1) maupun graduate (S-2 atau S-3). Hasil tes TOEFL ini juga dipakai sebagai bahan pertimbangan mengenai kemampuan bahasa Inggris dari calon mahasiswa yang mendaftar ke universitas di negara lain, termasuk universitas di Eropa dan Australia. Secara umum, tes TOEFL lebih berorientasi kepada American English, dan sedikit berbeda dengan jenis tes IELTS yang berorientasi kepada British English. Tidak seperti tes IELTS, tes TOEFL ini pada umumnya tidak mempunyai bagian individual interview test.
Biasanya tes ini memakan waktu sekitar tiga jam dan diselenggarakan dalam 4 bagian, yaitu bagian:
* listening comprehension,
* grammar structure and written expression,
* reading comprehension, dan bagian
* writing.
Nilai hasil ujian TOEFL berkisar antara: 310 (nilai minimum) sampai 677 (nilai maximum) untuk versi PBT (paper-based test).
Sejak tahun 1998, tes TOEFL ini diadakan secara online dengan menggunakan komputer (Computer-based Testing/CBT), dan sejak tahun 2005 disebut iBT (Internet-based Test). Di tempat-tempat yang belum bisa melaksanakan CBT atau iBT (karena belum ada fasilitas komputer dan jaringan internetnya), ujian TOEFL ini masih tetap diadakan secara manual menggunakan kertas dan potlot (paper-based test atau PBT). Informasi lebih lengkap tentang tes CBT dan paper-based TOEFL berkaitan dengan pendaftaran, lokasi penyelenggaraan, biaya, dan bahan-bahan persiapan tes dapat dilihat di situs resmi TOEFL, (hasil ujian TOEFL versi CBT mempunyai nilai berkisar antara 0 sampai 300, sementara nilai untuk iBT adalah dari 0 sampai 120) [1].
Akhir-akhir ini penyelenggara tes TOEFL juga mengadakan jenis tes TWE (Test of Written English) yang hasil nilainya terpisah dari nilai tes TOEFL. Tes ini memakan waktu selama 30 menit, dan peserta akan diminta untuk menuliskan karangan singkat yang menggambarkan mengenai kemampuan peserta untuk mengekspresikan dan menuangkan suatu gagasan atau ide, serta mendukung gagasan itu dengan contoh-contoh yang terdapat dalam kehidupan sehari-hari dengan menggunakan bahasa Inggris yang standar.
Jenis tes TOEFL yang lain adalah TSEP (Test of Spoken English Program) yang mirip dengan bagian individual interview pada tes IELTS. Tes ini biasanya dipakai kalau kita ingin mendaftar sebagai asisten dosen atau asisten laboratorium (sebagai salah satu cara untuk meringankan biaya kuliah) di universias di AS (atau negara lain). Bentuk tesnya diadakan secara lisan dan berlangsung selama kurang lebih 20 menit. Waktu penyelenggaraan dan batas akhir pendaftarannya sama dengan tes TOEFL yang lain, dan biayanya kira-kira sebesar US$100.
Senin, 21 Desember 2009
- Kesalahan-kesalahan di tahun 2009,jangan sampai terulang lagi di tahun 2010.
- Bisa lebih sabar,bertanggung jawab,berfikir lebih dewasa,jangan sombong,rendah diri,tidak boros,bisa lebih manfaatkan waktu,lebih rajin beribadah dan ngaji.
Bisa senengin orang tua,keluarga,pacar dan teman-teman.
- Nilai IP harus naik.
- Bisa menyelesaikan PI tepat waktu.
- Bisa lulus kuliah,di tahun 2010.
- Dan,GW berdoa,buat teman-teman yang baik sama GW,supaya yang kalian inginkan di tahun 2010 tercapai semua....AMIN.
Kamis, 12 November 2009
Name: Muazs tertiana
Age: 20 Years
Ttl: Bekasi 15-May-1989
Address: jln Pabuaran, gg noble Pangudi II SMA, Rt05/01, No. 30, 17,431 postal codes,
Pure teak, jasmine cottage, Bekasi.
Religion: islam
not stingy.
Not arrogant.
Diligent in everything, except
Always on time
lazy learning and prayer.
not eloquent or nervous
easily offended.
Easy Ragu.
Concentration less.
* Good taste, in terms of dress and trying to look nice and neat.
* Concerned with the people around, sincere in giving.
* Willing to sacrifice for others and a boyfriend.
* Serious in doing seseuatu or solve problems.
* Lack of creativity and lack of initiative.
* Pessimistic and easily discouraged.
* I'm not satisfied, what I have.
* I do not like small talk and did not like praise.
* Can work together with others.
* Willing to accept other people's opinions.
* Glad to organize others.
Senin, 05 Oktober 2009
Jati Melati, Bekasi 17431
5,October , 2009
Mr. jak
Human Resources Director
PT. Persija jaya
Ragunan, Jaksel 1928
Dear Mr. jak:
Iam applying for the position of security which was advertised in the Online of October 3. I have enclosed my resume, and I would like to schedule an interview. I will call you early next week.
I look forward to discussing this position with you.
Muazs tertiana
Name : Muazs tertiana
Address : Jl.Pabuaran,Rt 05/01 No 30
Jati Melati
Bekasi 17431
Phone : 021 8451168
Place/Date of Birth : Bekasi,15 Mei 1989
Gender : male
Marital Status : Unmarried
Education :
Reference : asep, security
PT. Persija jaya
Ragunan, Jaksel 1928 77809010
Mr. Muazs tertiana
Jati melati, Bekasi 17431
Dear Mr. Muazs:
Thank you for sending your letter and resume. We appreciate your interest in the Perle
Employment Agency. We would like to schedule an interview on Monday, October 10 at 9 a.m.
Please call us to confirm the time.
We look forward to talking with you.
Sincerely yours,
Mr. Jak
Human Resoures Director
Letter of application and curriculum vitae (CV) is the first key to opening the gates of your dream career. With a cover letter and CV is, the company knew and know your qualifications. Thus, the origin of manufacture should not be, but it should be interesting benarbenar HRD company you are applying.
Letter of application usually consists of three parts, namely the opening of the origin of information that you obtain vacancies and the proposed position. The main part of your qualifications, educational background, your personality and character. The last section is the concluding section, write down your gratitude and asked about the continuation of this proposal. Just one page.
Some of the things that must be considered in writing a cover letter and resume is brief and make a solid, make sure the cover letter and your CV can be easily and quickly readable. Use standard business letter format formal, A4 white paper 80 grams, Times New Roman font and 1.5 spacing. Avoid grammatical errors, spelling, and punctuation. Write down the things that specific and relevant to the position you are applying.
When you apply for a job field that requires creativity and the arts, such as entertain or advertising, then you can be more creative in making your resume or CV. Do not forget to include your portfolio too.
Basics Application Form
Outline of a job application letter usually is as follows:
1. Physical Appearance
First of all, should be noted that the view that a cover letter
as important as the resume display. Remember that the first thing
who visits the reader is a letter of introduction. Surat introduction
should be the same as writing style, appearance, letterhead, printing and
quality resume paper. Application Form must not be seen only
perfunctory addition, it must be part not
inseparable from the overall application.
2. Content
a. Head of
Kop / head letter: consists of name, address, phone number, or
email. Make sure that everything is easy to read
Date: essential to provide the date of proposal writing as
indication of the date information and other things related.
The destination name and position: as far as possible get the name of
The destination (especially for the second type of letter of application), followed by
with a professional title, company name, address, city, and zip code.
Post code or reference number for the position has been advertised.
And for that are not advertised enough to write the name of the post. Write
on the subject.
Salam opening: use the name of the intended
b. Alenia Opener
While you are tempted to write an interesting opening sentence,
but it must be remembered that there is value to readers
advertising or identifying the position you are applying on the
beginning of your letter, therefore let this opening sentence
directly on the subject and clear.
In the second sentence your job application letter should be interesting
the reader's attention, but avoid deception. Although you
trying to sell your qualifications for the position you are applying,
keep them in your writing does not become like the ad.
This section should contain a summary of the purpose of the letter,
c. Both Alenia
In the second Alenia highlight not only the written qualifying
a resume, but also skills and other characteristics
You have that will give added value to the reader and
company. In this section you should try to direct mail
on the needs, concerns, mission, and goals to be achieved
companies (as far as you know), and how your contributions
future will benefit and enhance the achievement of the objectives
company. Thus, you give something
distinguish you from other candidates who have the skills that
d. Closing Alenia
This section is the only place where you indicate
that you expect a reply from your cover letter either through
phone or mail or email. Avoid words that contain
threats, Avoid also to call into company or prospective employer without your prior agreement,because it will increasingly make them annoyed and forget
your proposal. should indicate that you are interested and
willing to be contacted in accordance with time given the reader, or
with the permission of your readers will call on the date and time
to discuss specific position you seek, with a note
that if the time they are not in accordance with your expectations, then
they want to leave a message for the appropriate time receptionist
or officers who may contact you.
3. Signature & Name Clearly
At the end of the letter do not forget to sign and
write your full name.